
These fantastic photos were taken by the wonderful Willow Durand, a Peace Corps Health Volunteer who works magic with her camera.  Thanks, Willow! So, what you see below is photos of the 2019 Mangrove Reforestation in (near) Foundiougne. A blog post will shed some better light on this, so be on the lookout for the post for more info. 

Here are a few pictures of my first Thanksgiving in Senegal. The food was great, the company even better.
Sokone, Fatick Region, Senegal 2019

Of course I had to get a closeup pic of the apple pie

The stuff in the bottom right bowl that looks like chicken tenders is actually my bakeless peanut butter oatmeal cookies. They lost their cookie shape on the long car ride  to Sokone. Misleading, but still delicious.


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