Tamxarit--or Tamkharit--is an Islamic holiday signifying the start of the new year on the Islamic lunar calendar. As with most holidays in Senegal, it is a time of great celebration and goodwill, and my host family is extremely excited. This year, we celebrated on September 9th. For a bit more background info, click this link https://www.au-senegal.com/la-tamxarit,102.html?lang=fr . It's in French, so use Google Translate if you too are not fluent. My host family's first words to me once we were all gathered for lunch were: "It's Tamxarit! That means there will be lots of good food: large fish, perfect rice, CHICKEN" (yes, this was said with all caps), "and lots of dancing all throughout the town." Other stuff was said, but my language is still crap, so...yeah. The only thing I really knew about Tamxarit before installing at my site was that it's the closest thing to Halloween I'll get in Senegal. So of course I asked if there'll be can...