Summary of My Last 2 Months of 2019
Happy New Year! 2020 has just begun and I feel like I am already behind. I have about 17 months to complete everything that I want, which seems like a lot of time, but I swear these past months have floooown by. With that being said, let me take a quick break to catch you up on the last two months of 2019 since I “forgot” to add to my blog. November was fairly slow work-wise, sprinkled with a few meetings here and there. Trying to move projects along without a local work partner to spearhead them is mighty difficult, so not much traction on that front. Before I knew it, Thanksgiving was upon me. I decided to celebrate with a handful of other Peace Corps Volunteers in and around my region. Seeing as this would be my first Thanksgiving ever away from the family — not to mention out of the country — the food and company were a much needed salve to the soul. Here is proof of my enjoy...